God: We believe there is one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and that He is an individual soul (Ephesians4:6). We believe He alone gives to all life, and breath, and all good things. We believe that He is The Lord God of Israel, (Isaiah 45:3) wholly good and that it is impossible for Him to do evil or to tempt humans to do evil. We believe He is to be worshipped (St. John 4:23,24). We believe He is not a respecter of persons because He is the maker of us all. We believe God, who cannot lie, promised eternal life before the world began (Titus 1:2). We believe He is ever merciful, always kind, and incomprehensibly loving. We believe He creates humans in His image as free moral agents, able to direct their course in life, and although it is His desire that all choose to serve Him, He will never force His will upon us.
Jesus: We Believe His son, Jesus the Christ, was sent as Messenger and Savior to deliver to humankind the knowledge and method of how to overcome sin and to live a godly and fulfilling life.(St. John 3:16) We believe he was in the flesh, died, was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. We believe his death and resurrection symbolize our death to sin and our resurrection to life by the renewing of our minds(Romans12:2) . We believe because of his sacrifice at Calvary, according to the scriptures we have eternal life (II Timothy 1:9&10).
Holy Spirit: We believe the Holy Spirit is the divine presence of God in our lives. We believe the Holy Spirit dwells within us and produces godly attributes such as love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, and many more. We believe the Holy Spirit is an ever present source of strength and help in time of any need.
Salvation: We believe salvation or being saved from sin and ultimately death is not the beginning of our faith, but rather the end of our faith. We believe the elimination of sin and its effects on us is one part of the process that leads to salvation, while the other part is creating a new man by receiving God’s word and the Holy Spirit within us. We believe that salvation is available to all, without partiality.